Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment

School Leaders Rubric

Team Version

Team Discussion Guide (opens in new tab)

Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment provides the opportunity to learn about perspectives beyond one’s own experiences and elevates historically marginalized voices. It includes opportunities to learn about power, bias, and inequity and empowers learners to be agents of positive social change.  

Instructions: Meet with the other members of the school’s leadership team. Use the guiding questions below to estimate together where your school falls overall on each element of the rubric. Be candid – this activity is most valuable as a formative learning experience. We recommend spending about 45 minutes on the rubric. Save your notes and ratings for future discussions.

Note: Your rubric responses are not saved until you click the Submit button at the bottom of this page. If you're not ready to submit yet, keep this page open. Closing the tab will not save your work.

Progression of Engagement


Cultural Responsiveness is in its initial phase 


Cultural Responsiveness is practiced in some situations


Cultural Responsiveness is practiced in most situations 


Cultural Responsiveness is continuously practiced and promoted


The extent of school community members’ dedication to culturally responsive practices across the school experience


Curricular Resources Contain Diverse Perspectives

Guiding Questions:

To what extent does the curriculum we use reflect diverse cultures and traditionally marginalized perspectives? Do we make adjustments to curriculum to include a variety of cultures and perspectives, and do we make sure they align with school and district policies?


Our curricular resources contain few examples from diverse cultures and marginalized perspectives. 


Our curricular resources contain few examples from diverse cultures and marginalized perspectives but we sometimes review them to make them more diverse.


Our curricular resources contain some examples from diverse cultures and marginalized perspectives and we regularly review them to make them more diverse.


We ensure our curricular resources contain multiple examples from diverse cultures and marginalized perspectives and align them with school and district policies.

Selected Rating: None

Classroom Assessments Connect to Students’ lives

Guiding Questions:

In what ways are the classroom assessments teachers create (i.e. homework assignments, tests, portfolios, exit tickets, etc.) connected to students' experiences from home, the community and/or their culture?


We are neutral about whether teachers’ classroom assessments are connected to students’ experiences and culture.


We encourage teachers to develop classroom assessments that are connected to students’ experiences and culture. 


We advocate that teachers develop classroom assessments that are connected to students’ experiences and culture. 


We advocate and work with teachers to develop classroom assessments that are connected to students’ experiences and culture.

Selected Rating: None

Multiple Data Sources Inform Planning

Guiding Questions:

What kinds of data do we use for curricular and instructional planning beyond external test data (e.g. district assessments, benchmarks, state test results, etc.)? Do non-academic data (e.g. attendance, discipline, social-emotional information) help to inform our curricular planning? Do we engage in discussion and collaboration with teachers around various data sources to inform curricular planning?


Our curricular planning is informed only by external assessment data.


Our curricular planning is informed mostly by external assessment data and sometimes by non-academic data.


Our curricular planning is informed by both external assessment data and non-academic data and we sometimes discuss with teachers how their data inform their teaching. 


Our curricular planning is informed by both external assessment data and non-academic data in collaboration and discussion with teachers.

Selected Rating: None


School practices include all school community member voices


Curricular Adjustments Meet Student Needs

Guiding Questions:

In what ways do we encourage teachers to adjust their curriculum and pacing calendar in response to the needs and interests of our students? How do we monitor the effectiveness of their adjustments?


We expect teachers to faithfully follow the curriculum and pacing calendar.


We allow teachers to adjust the curriculum and pacing calendar in response to the needs and interests of their students.


We encourage teachers to adjust the curriculum and pacing calendar in response to the needs and interests of their students.


We advocate for and support teachers to adjust the curriculum and pacing calendar in response to the needs and interests of their students and we monitor the effectiveness of the adjustments. 

Selected Rating: None

Curriculum Connects to Students' Lives

Guiding Questions:

How do we encourage and work with teachers to connect the curricula to students’ daily lives? What resources and supports do we provide for teachers to help their students take ownership over making their own connections?


We are neutral regarding whether teachers connect their curricula to students’ daily lives.


We encourage teachers to connect their curricula to students’ daily lives.


We encourage teachers to collaborate with students to connect their curricula to students’ daily lives.


We encourage and support teachers to collaborate with students to connect their curricula to students’ daily lives, and provide resources and modeling for teachers to shift the power to students to make these connections.

Selected Rating: None

SEL Infused into School Day

Guiding Questions:

How, and in what ways, are social emotional learning experiences integrated into the school day? Do we continually look for new ways to incorporate and support social-emotional learning?


Social emotional learning experiences for students are not part of the school day. 


We rarely incorporate social emotional learning experiences into the school day. 


We sometimes incorporate social emotional learning experiences into the school day. 


We regularly incorporate social emotional learning experiences into the school day and routinely look for resources and strategies to enhance our efforts. 

Selected Rating: None


The quality of connections amongst school community members


Partnering with parents and community members to improve curriculum & assessments

Guiding Questions:

How and in what ways do we build relationships with parents/caregivers and the community to increase the relevance of our curriculum and assessments for students?


We rarely partner with parents/caregivers and community members to increase the relevance of our curriculum and assessments for students. 


We sometimes partner with parents/caregivers and community members to increase the relevance of our curriculum and assessments for students. 


We regularly partner with parents/caregivers and community members to increase the relevance of our curriculum and assessments for students.


We regularly partner with parents/caregivers and community members to increase the relevance of the curriculum and assessments for students, and continually seek ways to expand and deepen these relationships.

Selected Rating: None


The extent of cooperation amongst school community members


Community Collaborations on Curriculum & Assessment

Guiding Questions:

How often do we collaborate with other schools and/or the district to increase the relevance of the curriculum and assessments for students? What do these collaborations look like?


We rarely collaborate with other schools and/or the district to increase the relevance of our curriculum and assessments for students. 


We sometimes collaborate with other schools and/or the district to increase the relevance of our curriculum and assessments for students. 


We regularly collaborate with other schools and/or the district to increase the relevance of our curriculum and assessments for students.


We regularly collaborate with other schools and/or the district to increase the relevance of the curriculum and assessments for students, and seek ways to expand and deepen the collaboration.

Selected Rating: None

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