Team Discussion Guide

Use this protocol to guide your team discussion of the Culturally Responsive School Team Rubric (either Welcoming and Affirming Environment or Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment).

Before beginning, assign two roles:

  1. Timekeeper and Rating Recorder
  2. Conversation Facilitator

Open the TEAM version of the rubric for everyone to see either on electronic devices or via a printout. Everyone should already have completed the rubric individually, so should be familiar with the items.

Timekeeper and Rating Recorder Role

Determine how much time you have for the conversation. We suggest 40-60 minutes per rubric.

Based on the amount of time you have and the number of items your group needs to complete (see table below), determine how much time you have per item to discuss and reach a consensus rating.

When there is about one minute remaining before moving to the next item, ask the team to arrive at a consensus rating. Please make sure to mark a score for each item on the rubric. You are responsible for submitting the team ratings on the website.

Table. Number of items for each group by rubric.

GroupWelcoming & Affirming EnvironmentInclusive Curriculum & Assessment
Leaders12 items8 items
Teachers12 items13 items
Students10 items8 items
Parents/Caregivers5 items2 items

Facilitator Role

Your job is to facilitate the discussion. For each item, ask the team to discuss the progression and come to a consensus about where the school or grade level is located on the 1-9 scale from Exploring to Transforming. 

You can use the following prompts:

  1. Where do we think we are as a school or grade level on the progression?
  2. What information are we using to arrive at our ratings?
  3. Let’s discuss our differences. What are the sources of our disagreement?

Make sure to work with the timekeeper to ensure you work through all the items in the allotted time AND a rating is recorded for each item on the rubric.

In the event that conversations are shortened due to time constraints, consider creating a parking lot where you make notes on what team members would like to discuss further.