Welcome Parents / Caregivers

Your views are important to creating a welcoming environment for students and families. Please share your thoughts on how your school involves and supports you and your children. Your feedback will help to strengthen the school community for everyone!


To complete the rubric process, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete the intake survey.(~10 min)
  2. Complete the parent/caregiver individual rubric. (~20 min)
  3. Complete the individual exit survey. (~10 min)

Once your rubrics and surveys are completed and received by our team, we will send you your honorarium within 10 business days, an anonymous summary with all participants’ feedback, and a list of resources to help you engage more deeply with your school.  

About the Culturally Responsive Schooling (CRS) Rubrics

The Culturally Responsive Schooling (CRS) Rubrics are designed to help different school education partners (leaders, teachers, students, parents/caregivers) learn about key aspects of cultural responsiveness and to gauge their current levels of cultural responsiveness with a series of self-assessment rubrics. 

The parent/caregiver version contains four short sections:  

  • A Welcoming and Affirming Environment reflects the physical and social climate of the school where all cultural identities (including race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, language, religion, socioeconomic background) are affirmed and valued. 

  • High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction creates learning conditions that are academically challenging and intellectually demanding, while also considering the different ways that students learn. Instruction includes opportunities to use critical reasoning, take academic risks, and leverage a growth mindset to learn from mistakes. Messages encourage positive self-image and empowerment to succeed.

  • Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment provides the opportunity to learn about perspectives beyond one’s own experiences and elevates historically marginalized voices. It includes opportunities to learn about power, bias, and inequity and empowers learners to be agents of positive social change. 

  • Ongoing Professional Learning creates continual opportunities for school community members to develop and sharpen a critically conscious lens toward instruction, curriculum, assessment, history, culture, and institutions. 

Each component of the rubric starts with a guiding question that can help you think about that component in your school. After the guiding question is a Progression of CRS Engagement that asks you to assess your/your school’s current level of engagement with that component.  

The Progression goes from Exploring to Growing to Utilizing to Transforming, like this:

Rubric Progression of Engagement: Exploring, Growing, Utilizing, Transforming

Below the progression for each item is a nine-point scale where 1 is Early Exploring, 2 is Solid Exploring, 3 is between Exploring and Growing, 4 is Solid Growing, etc.  

Below the progression is a place for you to take notes if you wish. The notes will be saved or printed when you submit the rubric.

Range slider nine-point scale; Selected Rating: None, and an open-ended text field labeled Notes

Who Should Complete the Rubrics

If you have agreed to participate in the pilot study of the CRS rubrics, please follow the steps described in the Introduction section above.

Examining the Results

Once all the members of the school (leaders, teachers, students and parents/caregivers) complete the rubrics, we will send you a report that shows the results for each group so you can compare the views across the school members. The report will also include links to CRS resources that you can use for your ongoing work. Please be assured that the report will contain only aggregated data and will not identify any individuals.